Charity should not be a business.
Apologies to the creationists.
A network for people to sponsor individuals and families to do local projects.
Direct Charity Society (also known as Direct Sponsor Society) is a Society under Irish common law. It exists to provide online tools which people can use to make charitable contributions to their chosen recipients directly. Recipients have projects with regularly updated video blogs, and you can communicate directly with them. Sponsors can make a regular (recurring) sponsorship or simply contribute to specific project budgets as much and as often as they like. 100% of all contributions go directly to a person, not to an organization.
No Middleman - No Expenses - No Nonsese.
You do not have to be a Member of the Society to join and use the websites.These articles do not apply to the Beneficiaries of the Society’s work. Users of the facilities provided by the Society are neither affected nor bound by any of these items.
1. Description
Direct Charity Society provides online communication and interaction tools to be used by anyone freely. In order to be completely free of financial burdens into the future, the tools must be provided at zero cost, so that no money goes into or through the Society, and the Society has no expenses. Thus the Society has no paid officers, no expenses and the only accounting necessary is the provision of records to each individual user of that user’s transactions.
1.a. Beneficiaries
1.b. Members
2. Funding
3. Accounting
4. Responsibilities
5. Rights
6. Officers
7. Disputes
Direct Charity Society